Educational Animal Use
Zemanova MA, Knight A and Lybæk S. (2021). Educational use of animals in Europe indicates a reluctance to implement alternatives. ALTEX – Alternatives to Animal Experimentation, 38(3), pp. 490-506. doi: 10.14573/altex.2011111.
The Educational Efficacy of Humane Teaching Methods:
A Systematic Review of The Evidence
Zemanova MA and Knight A (2021). The educational efficacy of humane teaching methods: a systematic review of the evidence. Animals; 11(1):114.
The Development of A Clinical Skills Laboratory at
Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
Grevemeyer B and Knight A. (2018). The development of a clinical skills laboratory at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. Altern Lab Anim 46, 177-183.
Conscientious Objection to Harmful Animal Use Within Veterinary
and Other Biomedical Education
Knight A (2014). Conscientious objection to harmful animal use within veterinary and other biomedical education. Animals, 4, 16-34.
The Potential of Humane Teaching Methods within
Veterinary and Other Biomedical Education
Knight A (2012). The potential of humane teaching methods within veterinary and other biomedical education. ALTEX Proc, 1, 365-375.
The Effectiveness of Humane Teaching Methods
in Veterinary Education
With Spanish translation
Knight A (2007). The effectiveness of humane teaching methods in veterinary education. Altern Anim Experimentation 2007, 91-109.
Dog Labs:
Money Isn’t Only Reason to Abolish
I still remember the horror of the physiology labs that took place when I was a veterinary student. Just like in those recently ended at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center (“CU halts last dog vivisections,” Local News, Jan. 30), unsuspecting animals were anesthetized by barely competent students who then inserted tubes into arteries and veins and injected various drugs to observe the effects on blood pressure. In some cases arteries were blocked entirely. Students cut animals open and severed nerves to demonstrate the effects on heart rate, and forced their victims to breathe various gases to demonstrate the effects on respiration. One procedure involved blocking the air supply entirely. The lab guide instructed students to artificially respire the animals if they ceased breathing, but gave no instructions on how to do so. Not surprisingly, several animals died prematurely during this lab, and those who did not were killed at the end of the lab by lethal injections administered by these trainee “healers.”
Out of sheer disgust at this completely unnecessary waste of life, I and some other students refused to participate in these laboratories, and instead demanded humane alternatives such as computer simulations, videos and non-harmful experimentation on student volunteers in order to demonstrate physiological principles. Just like those brave and compassionate students at Colorado who chose not to participate in these labs, we endured the harassment and sometimes less-than-subtle intimidation of our professors, including academic penalty.
Colorado is to be commended for finally ending the last of these labs. However, the school’s apparent concern only with the cost savings, and its willingness to consider reintroducing these labs in the future, is not. CU should exhume and dust off its ethical standards and take a serious look at the large number of educational studies showing that students learning via humane methods learn at least as well, and should join the 82 percent of U.S. medical schools, including Harvard, Stanford and Yale, that have consigned these ethically and educationally indefensible labs to the dustbin of history.
Dr. Andrew Knight, BVMS, Director of Education, Animalearn, Jenkintown, PA.
Knight A (2003). Dog labs: money isn’t only reason to abolish. Daily Camera [Colorado], 04 Feb.